Home Blog New Music: Willow Smith Shares Her Soulful Song “JIMI”

New Music: Willow Smith Shares Her Soulful Song “JIMI”


New Music: Willow Smith Shares Her Soulful Song “JIMI”willow smith jimi song

Willow Smith has just shared a new track on Soundcloud titled “Jimi.” The soulful sounding song, produced by AzZi, is the latest offering from the “Whip My Hair” singer, but is actually quite old as she revealed in a post on Instagram. “DiggingInTheArchivesIsSoFun,” the singer wrote. “I recorded this song in Jimi Hendrix’s studio in NY when I was 12.” Presumably, she is referring to Electric Lady Studios in New York City.

Smith has been quite quiet musically speaking following the release of her debut solo album Ardipithecus in 2015. Recently, her father Will Smith made headlines when he was asked about the way in which he and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith have parented their children. “I think it might have been a mistake, we may have gone too far,” Smith said about affording both Willow and her brother Jaden a pretty wide range of artistic freedom.

Check out “JIMI” below.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/247961721″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
Willow Smith Shares Her Soulful Song, “JIMI”
Willow Smith Shares Her Soulful Song, “JIMI”
Source: complex